socretes philosophy

two short answer paragraphs 8-10 sentences each

1.Socrates believed we have reason and the ability to use logic. We can arrive at truth. The ability to use this gift leads to wisdom. That truth is held within us. We chose to act on that truth. We have self control because we chose to act using wisdom. Thus we contain free will. We have a duty for self examination, to know our self and to act accordingly using the gift of wisdom. This knowledge, in turn, leads one to be a virtuous person. Why would you act otherwise? We want to be happy. A happy life means we use our logic and reason to consistently act in a virtuous manner. We are happy because our outward reality reflects our inner wisdom. A person assumes a position of ignorance to question and arrive at truth or even a point of rational ignorance. This is as far as I can go now. There is more. He/she keeps questioning. Good citizens (virtuous) bring about riches for all Socrates would believe.

2.What are some riches you see in society that have come about through people who have used their reason and logic to live a virtuous life that ,in turn, has enriched the society we live in today? Give an examples and explain how it demands a different way of thinking, a different logic.. One I can think of is the women who raised the question of why women who do the same work as a man are paid less because of their gender. We now have laws that demand that gender can not be used to discriminate against women. Equal work demands equal pay. Why does a woman not have equal value to man when the work is equal. I have to ask is it ok to see women as inferior to males ? What makes a woman inferior? Society changes because women demanded to be seen as having equal value. We just celebrated 100 years of the women’s suffrage movement. Women demanded the right to vote. The women demanded a different way of thinking that led to gender equality.