ABC Journal

ABC Journal

Paper details The following is an example of how your daily log (or journal) should look (each entry should begin with Step C as one usually recognizes the consequence of their emotions before understanding the cause in irrational thought process’). Two week’s worth of entries are required (See below for a description of how the assignment should be formatted and your final draft submitted): Monday mm/dd/yy: Step C: “Today on my way to work I was aware of a feeling of anger and moodiness.” (At this point you should be asking yourself: “If I’m feeling anger and moodiness, what have I been thinking about?”) Step A: Oh, yes, now I remember. My wife and I got into an argument last night about money. (This is the Stimulus or “activating event–the argument.) Step B: “I’ve been thinking how unfair it is that I work so hard to earn our family money and my wife seems to spend it faster than I can make it. And whenever we get into money discussions she refuses to acknowledge how hard I work for the money. (“At this point, what is irrational or illogical or negative about this way of thinking??? Step D: (Is there a way of rethinking my illogical, irrational assumptions about my wife and about our money?) I can try to acknowledge that my wife also works and brings home some of the “bacon”. She also has a right to spend, the same as me. I also know that we can try to sit down and work on a budget. Or we can “redo” how we split up the money that we earn. Step E: (Hopefully, this REFRAMING leads to a better feeling). Yes, I feel a little more hopeful, even a little excited, because I am eager to try to sit down with my wife to construct a strict budget by which we both can live. The format for final submission should be as follows: Title page Brief introduction Daily entries as in the example. A brief conclusion reflecting on what you learned and how the assignment helped you. Reference page (if any citations are made) USE this as a reference, need 14 entries. dated from 5NOV18 to 19NOV18