Analytic literature/film

 Analysis and Paper format and content: All writing assignments follow the MLA format and submitted in the .docx format: 12-point Times Roman font, double-spaced, with 1″ margins on all sides, unjustified on the right-hand side. Put your name on the upper left-hand corner. If it were a paper, center your paper title on the next line. These are close reading and critical analysis. Devise your own paper title on the basis of the myriad of topics we have discussed as well as those provided in prompts. However, you are advised to go beyond these suggestions and make up your own title, thesis, and argument, as long as your paper is well-argued based on textual evidence. For each paper, you need to develop a concise title and open briefly with the context of your argument, followed immediately by a strong thesis and insights on specific themes, imageries, passages. A strong paper must demonstrate clarity, force, grace, and originality of thought. Demonstrate close reading and critical analysis. Give quotes to substantiate your argument, but do so only when you are ready to closely read those cited passages for imagery, language, theme, refrain, and so forth. Do not summarize the plot for the sake of plot summary; rather, recast certain episodes succinctly in your own words in order to tease out an innovative idea, one that is neither a repeat of the plot nor of the class discussion. Eliminate overly personal, the subjective voice in academic discourse.