Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet;The guidelines for the assignment is below. My argument is for the benefits of the ketogenic diet. If any other information is needed, let me know. For this assignment, argue a position on an arguable issue. Your introduction

The guidelines for the assignment is below. My argument is for the benefits of the ketogenic diet. If any other information is needed, let me know.

For this assignment, argue a position on an arguable issue. Your introduction should get your audience’s attention (possibly by appealing to pathos), provide background that identifies the conversation you are joining, and clearly state your entry into the conversation—the claim you intend to support. The body of your argument should appeal to logos by presenting reasons and evidence in support of your position, as well as appeal to ethos by responding to opposing views. You may also appeal to pathos within your body by appealing to the values and beliefs of your audience. Your essay should accomplish one of three endeavors:

Change the current opinion of an audience that holds a different view.
Persuade an uninformed audience to adopt your view (requires more background info.)
Persuade an agreeing and informed audience to act (why is it urgent enough to act?)

Give background information on the conversation you are joining
Appeal to logos by supporting your thesis, main point, or sub-point
Appeal to ethos by presenting and addressing counterarguments or warrants.

I will look for the following in your essay:

Does the essay contain a clear and arguable claim that is the result of the writer’s own critical thinking?
Do the reasons to logically support the claim?
Have possible objections to the underlying assumptions (warrants) linking the claim and reasons been addressed?
Have opposing views been addressed?
Appropriate style and tone
Evidence of an effective writing process
Logical progression and organization of thoughts
Smooth transitions between ideas/ paragraphs
Use of appropriate college-level spelling, grammar and mechanics
MLA format, double spaced
Length: Approximately 1000 words.