bioremendiation of petroleum hydrocarbon conterminents in land

bioremendiation of petroleum hydrocarbon conterminents in land

*Table of content: 
Introduce the topic to the reader and why it is important and where it has been used and when it was discovered and why? 
oil contamination
Explain what is oil contamination and when it happened and what are the causes. Also add why it is considered as a big problem. Also add what are the biggest oil spills happened. 
biodegrdation and bioremediation. 
Add the defenetion of both terms and why it is important to speed the degrdation of hydrocarbons in comparison to natural methods. 
Surfactant structure
Explained what are the surfactants and what do they consist of and add pictures and make sure to site those pictures. 
Biosurefactant description
Explain what are bisorefactant and what are there types. Also add what are the best type of BS and why? 
Biosurfactant properties and function 
Try to explain BS molleular weight, criticle micelle concentration, micelle formation, and foaming. Also add figures if possible. 
Explain the role of bisorefactant in biodegrdation and bioremediation
You need to explain how does the bacteria remove hydrocarbons contaminants. Try to use images and figures that will help understanding the process and make sure to cite the figure and refere to it in the text. 
State where this technology has been applied and what were the results and in which countries also does it have any negative impact on the environment. What are the famous and latest studies done in this field. 
Sum up the study stating what is the conclusion or the benefits of you came up with and if this technology is effecient. 
Add at least 25 references. 
Also make sure to do inext citation for every information you use. 
Site the references in APA style 
Arrange them in alphabetical order
>> Make sure to use the attach paper which will help to do the study. 

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