Black hair culture

 The Assignment Choose a subculture or counterculture (10 points), and using the six elements of culture, research your group and share your research in a PowerPoint presentation. The six elements are: symbols (10 points), language (10 points), values (10 points), norms (10 points), beliefs (10 points), and material culture (10 points). Presentations will need to meet the following requirements: (1) You are required to have a minimum of 18 informative slides. You can have a maximum of 22 slides (10 Points). (2) Your presentation must contain at least 1 informational chart, graph, or table (10 points). (3) BE CREATIVE & HAVE FUN. (4) At least 3 scholarly sources are required (Wikipedia, Google, & Yahoo are not scholarly) – a FULL MLA reference page is required in the MLA format (10 points). (5) If you decide to embed a media source into your presentation – make sure it is done correctly so that it is viewable. Media that does not play correctly will be counted off. (6) You will upload your presentation in Blackboard for grading. Late submissions will result in a 10 point deduction per day late. Any evidence of plagiarism to include self-plagiarism will result in zero for this assignment.