Case conceptualization; psychotherapy

Final Written Case Presentation and Case conceptualization Session: Each student is responsible for completing one written case presentation. The format is delineated at the end of the syllabus. Please follow the format. In addition to writing this report, please select one psychotherapy session and transcribe the entire session (preferably from an audio or videotape of a therapy session otherwise from process notes/memory). The written presentation should be between 6-8 (maximum) single-spaced pages,12 pt. font. The length of the typed transcribed session should be consistent with the average length of a customary 45-50 minute psychotherapy session. Please note that your reflections on your process, in the session you select, are far more important than picking a “perfect” session or a session that you feel you do your “best” work. You will be evaluated more on your ability to reflect on your responses and actions as a therapist. Each student will be asked to share their thoughts on psychotherapy and being a psychotherapist and will briefly discuss what they have learned, especially about their own process, from their clinical experiences and course experiences—including from class exercises and discussions, and from writing this report.