Creating “white” citizens;Using the Roediger readings from November 5 and 7 answer the following question: What were the most important elements to process of becoming white for “inbetween” groups? Note: You should have Three elements and your essay s

The essay should begin with a very short introduction (about 2-4 sentences) that announces your overall thesis. Simply use the intro to answer the question.
Intro example:
Immigrants, who came to British North America, were able to carve out their own space in the new world. This is evident in their ability to x, y, z.(x, y, z need to be short clear phrasings of your three supporting arguments.)
Immigrants, who came to British North America, found that they had to adapt themselves to their new environment. This adaptation is evident in the shift to x, y, z. (x, y, z need to be short clear phrasings of your three supporting arguments.)
Written Assignment #4: Creating “White” Citizens
Please answer the following question in a short essay (1.5 to 2 typed, double-spaced pages).
ESSAY: Using the Roediger readings from November 5 and 7 answer the following question:
What were the most important elements to process of becoming white for “inbetween” groups?
Note: You should have Three elements and your essay should explain how each worked to move “inbetween” groups into “white” citizens.
The essay should begin with a very short introduction (about 2-4 sentences) that announces your overall thesis Then the essay should contain about three supporting paragraphs. Each paragraph should begin with a topicsentence. that announces the paragraph’s supporting argument. In other words, the topic sentence should be a mini-thesis statement that supports your overall thesis. Then, in the supporting paragraphs, supply evidence from the reading assignment to support your paragraph’s mini-thesis. Aim to cover a wide range of different sources from the reading. Because this is such a short assignment, you do not need a conclusion paragraph. You can just end with your last supporting paragraph.
In outline form, the essay should look like this:
-Intro (2-4 sentences, with thesis statement that answers the assigned question) -Supporting paragraph #1 (with topic sentence at start, giving mini-thesis for paragraph)
-Supporting paragraph #2 (same)
-Supporting paragraph #3 (same)
For evidence in your supporting paragraphs, incorporate as many brief quotations as you can from the reading, especially from the primary sources. Do not rely on long quotations that take up too much space. Instead, try to quote just the most interesting snippets of the primary sources. Choose just the most revealing four or five words from a primary-source passage and build your ideas around it.
Citations: Do not worry about a bibliography or about formal footnotes or endnotes for these brief response essays. At the end of a sentence with quoted material or specific information, just provide a brief parenthetical citation. For the Thomas Dublin reading, abbreviate it as TD, along with the page number. Thus, a sentence that quotes from page 68 should end (TD, 68).

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