Criminal Justice,Please read chapter 13 your text and complete a required two page essay review. You essay review essay should comprise of an introduction with a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. Your review should include the following: 1) a re

Please read chapter 13 your text and complete a required two page essay review. You essay review essay should comprise of an introduction with a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. Your review should include the following: 1) a response to the below listed questions/statements; (2) present a brief critique of the reading; and (3) post at least one question from the reading on the discussion board for other students to respond to. When posting such question, please identify the name of a student who you intend to provide a response.


After the assigned reading, student should be able to:


(1) Provide an historical overview of corrections in America;

(2) Discuss the role of corrections in relation to the criminal justice system;


(3) Analyze the roles federal, state, and local government play in corrections;

(4) Discuss the law of corrections and how it is applied to offenders and correctional personnel;

(5) Describe the current state of corrections in relation to community corrections and increase in correctional population in the past 30 years; and

(6) Identify and discuss the Constitutional Rights of Prisoners (Students, here you are to support your responses with documented Supreme Court cases in relation to constitutional rights of prisoners).