Describe its strengths and weaknesses (see Strauss, chapters 3-4): Book : Four Portraits , One Jesus

Choose one of the following historical-critical or literary-critical methods to define, explain, and describe its strengths and weaknesses (see Strauss, chapters 3-4): Book : Four Portraits , One Jesus Arthur Mark L. Strauss (Chose one to do assignment) Source Criticism Form Criticism Redaction Criticism Narrative Criticism Rhetorical Criticism Reader-Response Criticism In this 2 page, double-spaced paper (12 point New Times Romans), (1) define “what” the method is—its aims, assumptions, and the manner in which information is attained and relied upon (1 full page), and then (2) explain the strengths and weaknesses of the critical method in relation to the Gospels (approximately 1 full page). In addition to your textbook, include at least another scholarly source on the topic (no websites, blogs, or devotional material). D

ouble check to make sure sentences are clear, specific, and that paragraphs are cohesive. For this short paper, no title page is needed nor an introduction or conclusion. For the two sections, use headings. For example, if “Redaction Criticism” was critical method that was selected, then the heading for the first section would be something like “Redaction Criticism—Definition and Explanation,” and the heading for the second section would be something like “Redaction Criticism—Strengths and Weaknesses.” Source Criticism Form Criticism Redaction Criticism Narrative Criticism Rhetorical Criticism Reader-Response Criticism