Developing a simple, direct and personally interesting RESEARCH QUESTION is important because it significantly guides and drives your research.

BASIC TEMPLATE FOR RESEARCH ESSAY PARAGRAPHS*According to [name of source/researcher/etc], the main issue is [fill in the issue or topic]. [Name of source/researcher] says that [use quotation or paraphrase from source material](cite source). What this suggests is that [elaborate and explain what the source is saying]. In addition, [name of source/research/etc] also notes that [use quotation or paraphrase that relates to previous source, or adds depth to answer to your research question] (cite source). This further suggests that [elaborate and explain the answers you have provided from your research above].ANOTHER BASIC TEMPLATE FOR RESEARCH ESSAY PARAGRAPHS (SHOW HOW RESEARCHERS AGREE)Many researchers agree that [fill in answer to research question]. For example, [name of source/researcher/etc] writes that [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source). In addition, [name of source/researcher/etc] suggests that [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source). [Name of source/researcher/etc] also agrees, saying [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source). It is clear that the research points to the fact that [summarize the quoted material, explaining it to your reader]. ANOTHER BASIC TEMPLATE FOR RESEARCH ESSAY PARAGRAPHS (SHOW HOW RESEARCHERS DISAGREE)Disagreement exists among many researchers regarding [name issue/question/topic/etc]. Many researchers agree that [fill in answer to research question]. For example, [name of source/researcher/etc] writes that [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source).

In addition, [name of source/researcher/etc] suggests that [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source). However, [Name of source/researcher/etc] disagrees, saying [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source). In addition, [Name of source/researcher/etc] also disagrees, saying [use quotation or paraphrase from source material] (cite source). The specific disagreement has to do with [describe difference of opinion in your own words for your reader, elaborating the disagreement]. rite a research essay that possesses the following outcomes:1. RESEARCH QUESTION that is specific enough to generate 7-10 pages of research writing;2. Paragraphs that INCORPORATE SOURCE INFORMATION that adequately answers your research question;3. Complete a WORKS CITED page of the sources you used. WORKING NOTE: A working principle for this assignment is the practice of shaping a RESEARCH QUESTION that guides both the finding and incorporating of the writing. I’ve found over the years that what best serves studentsis emphasizing the quality of the RESEARCH QUESTION. Developing a simple, direct and personally interesting RESEARCH QUESTION is important because it significantly guides and drives your research. Rather than developing a “topic” for a research paper, it’s more generative to have a RESEARCH QUESTION because a question has more “traction,” as opposed to a “topic,” which can feel static and lifeless. For example, the topic of “cancer research” is not only huge, but it’s also static. However, a research question that asks, “What are the causes of tongue cancer?” can help frame the beginning of research as well as give you a place from which to generate answers. Of course, some questions can be too general, for example, “What causes cancer?” Well, it is obvious that such a question will generate too many sources and is outside the scope of this project. So, the practice is to generate a question that is both interesting to you, as well as fits the parameters of the assignment so you can practice within a scale that is manageable.