Diversity in Hollywood;This Research paper is for my anthropology class. The class’s title is Diversity in USA. This is a writing intensive class and I really need a well written paper. The research’s topic is diversity in Hollywood. The research has to

You will use participant observation, interviews, library research, and critical reflection on your experience
of a neighborhood in Los Angeles to
describe the history of the place, its
various peoples over time, how and when
changed occurred, and how ethnicity,
class, and other factors impact how you
and others experience the place today.

This Research paper is for my anthropology class. The class’s title is Diversity in USA. This is a writing intensive class and I really need a well written paper.

The research’s topic is diversity in Hollywood. The research has to have DATA based on ethnographic methods such as interview and direct participant observation. Make sure to include the interview responses and field notes based on your observation. 
It has to have DATA.

I’m going to attach the outline and bibliography to this order to help you, however the topic is about hollywood in Los angeles, the actual place not the film company but you can include that. I have another essay about diversity that I’m going to attach to this order It may help you .

Please use the sources in the outline and bibliography at the end