economics;assess the macroeconomic context

economics;assess the macroeconomic context

Choose a private (or public) sector organisation. The organisation could be your own business, a customer, a supplier or any organisation of interest to you.

Conduct an economic analysis of the organisation, and its markets and its wider macro context over the next two years.

First, assess the macroeconomic context. Will the macroeconomic conditions improve over the next two years (relative to the average performance since 2010)? Explain your reasoning using economic theory and macroeconomic data. 

Second, analyse two specific economic policies either adopted or proposed by policymakers that are aimed at improving economic conditions over the next two years. Explain the rationale behind these policies and assess the likelihood of improving conditions using theory and data. How will these policies influence the markets of relevance for the organisation of interest?

Third, analyse one strategic proposal for the organisation that would benefit the organisation over the next two years. Again, use theory and evidence to support your analysis.

Be aware that not all the topics covered during the lectures are relevant to your essay and your discussion may need to incorporate arguments that go beyond the lecture materials. Consequently, you should do your own research, review the relevant academic literature and business profile and write an essay that represents your own efforts, ideas and conclusions.

Your essay must contain a balance of economic theory and empirical evidence. In particular, you must show how the economic theory can be used to explain issues relevant to your selected organisation. Essays with little to say about theory will not be able to achieve high marks. The same applies to essays focusing only on the economic theory’.

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