ENVS 195 ENV LIT/ARTS/MEDIA assignment;: The following seven themes were discussed at length in the course: Ground: Mother Force: Animacy Pastoral: Harmony Sublimity:Wild Pollution: Collapse Crisis: Protest System: Database

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The following seven themes were discussed at length in the course: 
Ground: Mother
Force: Animacy
Pastoral: Harmony 
Pollution: Collapse
Crisis: Protest
System: Database

PART I: THEMES: Select five of these themes. For each of the five, discuss the work of one writer (of fiction, nonfiction, and/or poetry) and one visual, musical, cinematic or media artist or group in terms of how they draw on and make use of this theme in their work. Choose the two carefully, ideally with some contrast in mind, so as to highlight both the multiple uses of the themes (e.g., “crude,” “critical,” ironic, and so on) and some strengths and weaknesses of their use. In total, you should discuss a total of 10 writers/artists. Please keep your answers concise and to the point. Follow this format for each of your five themes: 
Writer/artist #1: Write 3 to 6 sentences on how they make use of this theme (1 pt. per theme)
Writer/artist #2: Write 3 to 6 sentences on how they make use of this theme (1 pt. per theme)
Comparison & Conclusion: Write 4 to 6 sentences comparing the two and concluding with how their work shows the potentials and pitfalls of this theme for environmental communication (1 pt. per theme)

PART II: CONCLUSION: In a 2 to 3 paragraph conclusion, state which of these themes or theme combinations you believe should or will be the most significant in coming decades, and why (2 pts.). Illustrate your argument with a detailed discussion of a concrete example of an artistic work—real or imagined—that displays the use of this theme or themes (3 pts.).