ESL Girls? Math Performance are better than Boys’ in grade 3

Purpose of Assignment
? To develop an effective and feasible research plan for your Final Research Poster, considering context, research questions, relevant literature, timeline, and larger implications.
? To give you practice working with the Research Proposal as an academic genre.

? The written proposal should be 3-4 double spaced pages, using a 12 point font comparable to Times New Roman.
? put name, faculty supervisor’s name, date, and title of your research project on a title page.
? follow APA 6th formatting

Here are more information about structure in the project files.
I will take care of the method part. so just skip it.
Generally, we did the experiment among 50 grade 3 students. Most of them are refugees from other countries to Canada. We did the math tests before and after intervention.
and my project title might be not good enough, please modify it if possible.