Essay should be double-spaced throughout, with 1 inch margins. (NOTE: the Microsoft Word default is 1.25 inches. You will need to change this). · Please adhere to the page limit; your essay should fall within the specified parameters. Essay

write this essay basic on “Benito Cereno, B 1511-1536 (stop at “For a moment, knot in hand” and “Benito Cereno, B 1536-1568” from the book, not the source you find online.) AGAIN, SOURCE MUST COME FROM THE ONE I GIVEN HERE(“Benito Cereno, B 1511-1536 (stop at “For a moment, knot in hand” and “Benito Cereno, B 1536-1568”),

For your third essay, you will write a 3-4 page, double-spaced essay that engages with Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno. Melville’s novella is perhaps the most complex we read this semester, and it has vexed scholars and students for ages. Specifically, I would like you to do the following: 1) Explain the story’s themes as they reflect everything we’ve discussed in our course this semester and 2) Use one or two earlier texts as a brief basis of comparison, answering the question, “How does our knowledge of _____ enhance our understanding of Benito Cereno?” Ultimately, this essay is tasking you with the two chief goals of our entire course: 1) Improving your close reading capabilities and 2) Placing seemingly disparate texts into conversation with one another with an eye toward cultural, historical, and societal differences.



Successful essays will do the following:


Introduce the themes they’re discussing in a clear manner

Provide a valid and relevant comparison with another course text, or too

Avoid too much summary; assume that your audience has knowledge of the text in question, and instead focus on analyzing the scene you’ve selected

Cite specific descriptions and lines of dialogue from the text



Essay should be double-spaced throughout, with 1 inch margins. (NOTE: the Microsoft Word default is 1.25 inches. You will need to change this).

Please adhere to the page limit; your essay should fall within the specified parameters. Essays that fall short of or go drastically over the limit will be marked down. This essay is, in part, an exercise in concision.

Your essay needs a title that relates to the subject matter (so, not “Essay 2” or “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.”)

On the first page of your essay, you will need a single-spaced header in the upper left-hand corner of the essay with your name, the prompt (if you chose one), and date. Like so:

Your Name

Prompt 1 (or say My Topic)

24 September 2017 (use current due date)