Explain how the ideas in documents 1 and 2 shaped U.S. foreign policy from 1945-1960.

Explain how the ideas in documents 1 and 2 shaped U.S. foreign policy from 1945-1960.

1) The Primary Source Assignment includes a set of primary sources (2 written documents and 1 video) related to the time-period covered in Unit 3. Using all three of the sources provided in the set, write an essay based on the guidelines below and using the General Guidelines for all Coursework provided in Addendum II of the syllabus.

VIDEO LINK: Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Farewell Address” (1961) – https://youtu.be/OyBNmecVtdU

2) For the content of your paper:

Describe the primary arguments explained in documents 1 and 2.
Explain how the ideas in documents 1 and 2 shaped U.S. foreign policy from 1945-1960.
Watch the linked video (and/or read the transcript in document 3). What does Eisenhower say about the Cold War? How does his message reflect the ideas from documents 1 and 2? What warnings does he give for the future?
Then, extract the historical lessons from prompts 1-3 and apply them to current political events from the past 16 years (2001-2017). This question will require the use of outside sources (see Research and Citation Guidelines below)

3) Writing Requirements: Each PSA must be more than 500 words in length (there is no maximum). Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.

4) Research and Citation Guidelines: For this assignment, you will need to use at least 1 peer-reviewed article from an academic journal.