FALL 2018 APUSH and AP Language Assignment;Social change in America has drastically altered the landscape of this country, especially during the 20th century. From social movements surrounding women’s suffrage, to child labor, to civil rights forAfrican A

Social change in America has drastically altered the landscape of this country, especially during the 20th
century. From social movements surrounding women’s suffrage, to child labor, to civil rights forAfrican
Americans, our society has often examined, ridiculed, and challenged the cultural norms established by
American politics.
Similarly, policies enacted in the 19th century, especially during the Progressive Era, changed the nation,
redefining what constitutes justice and reinterpreting the parameters of the freedom we hold to be true.
Using text discussed in both your U.S. History (APUSH or on-level) and your English (AP Language or
on-level) courses, write an essay comparing and contrasting the effects of change, both politically
and socially, in America.
Your essay should utilize a minimum of 3-5 sources from the bank of readings from your English course,
as well as 3-5 documents from the bank of readings from your U.S. History (APUSH) course. Your
sources must be cited in the essay as well as at the end of the essay in a bibliography using MLA format.
In addition, you will need to present your findings in presentation form (Powerpoint, Prezi,
Emaze,Animoto, etc).This presentation should be no longer than 3-4 minutes, and should cover the same
findings of your essay.
Essays will be submitted to your APUSH instructor, while your presentation will be given during
your AP Language class. The Presentations will begin Monday, December 10th. Essays are to be
submitted on Monday, December 10th. A Day & December 11th B Day.
AP Language Sources
● Banneker Letter to Thomas Jefferson
● Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King
● Florence Kelley Speech
● Kennedy’s Presidential Inaugural Speech
● Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
APUSH Documents
● Declaration of Independence
● The Bill of Rights of the U. S. Constitution-along with 13-19 Amendments
● White Man’s Burden by R. Kipling
● The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
● Gettysburg Address by A. Lincoln

Note: you can use any sources