Gender, Race, Labor, and Violence in the Postwar Era

Gender, Race, Labor, and Violence in the Postwar Era

Requirement: Students must submit one 2-3 paged, double-spaced think piece that analyzes some aspect(s) of the required readings. The think pieces must analyze the readings and use citations (either parenthetical or footnotes). Some suggested questions to help guide, but not limit students in the writing of their think pieces are: How do you see the reading(s) as applicable to today’s world? In what ways can the author’s personal experience help us to understand history on the macro-level? In what ways is it limited to do so? How has the reading altered, undermined, or strengthened ideas posed in past reading assignments, either in this or in other classes?

Reading: Anne Moody, Coming of Age in Mississippi (1968), Chapters 10-14, pp. 121-168.