Has a concluding section that recaps your main argument but most importantly includes some meaningful reflection of how your own understanding of this topic has changed now that you have done some research on it.

Write a 5-6 page (approximately 1500-1750 word) research paper on the topic you have chosen. Broadly speaking, your essay should: • Be clearly-argued, well-organized, and properly referenced in APA format; • Be based on a thoughtful engagement with a minimum of three academic sources; • Expand on the ideas you raised in your proposal while taking into consideration your TA’s feedback. More specifically, make sure your paper:

 Has an interesting and appropriate title that relates to the focus of your work;

 Contains an opening paragraph that introduces your reader your topic and provides any background information;  Has a clear and specific thesis statement within this introduction that sketches your main argument, offers a general structure for your essay, is well-defended throughout the remainder of your paper, and demonstrates your ability to synthesize and think critically about the material you have read;  Draws on a total of FIVE appropriate sources, THREE of which must be academic sources, and engages with these sources in some detail;  Contains in-text citations (Author’s Last Name, Year) for any and all ideas/examples that are not a product of your own thinking, including arguments, theories, concepts, or statistics raised by other authors, material that you have paraphrased (even if it is written in your own words, you must still acknowledge the original source!  Uses direct quotes only when appropriate – to support or back up your own thinking, not in place of your own words.  Has a concluding section that recaps your main argument but most importantly includes some meaningful reflection of how your own understanding of this topic has changed now that you have done some research on it.  Features a references list, in APA format, that states the sources you have used in alphabetical order by author’s last name;  Has been proofread, watching for and correcting things like: spelling errors, punctuation mistakes, and incomplete or run-on (very long) sentences;  Follows proper formatting: 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1” margins, page numbers, and your name and student number listed at the top of the page;  Is within the specified page/word limit. Your grade will be based on: • The effectiveness and clarity of your introduction and thesis statement; • The quality of your analysis, including its insightfulness, structure, and originality; • Your selection, synthesis, and integration of appropriate research materials;