Hist 512-242 Palau Islands Resources

You can write your paper on the necessity of invading the Palau Islands without turning to outside resources. We will spend a good deal of time on this in lecture. The Murray and Millett book discusses the invasion somewhat, and Sledge’s memoir relates his experiences on Peleliu. Also, part of your answer should consider how the armed forces were making their way to the Philippines, their capabilities, and military necessity.


If you would like more background, however, you may find the following helpful.




Anderson, Charles R. Western Pacific. World War II Commemorative Brochures series. Washington, DC: U.S. Army Center for Military History, 1994. Available digitally at http://www.history.army.mil/html/books/072/72-29/index.html . (approx. 30 pages)


Gayle, Gordon D. Bloody Beaches: The Marines at Peleliu. Marines in World War II Commemorative Series. Washington, DC: Marine Corps Historical Center, 1996. Available digitally via the National Park Service, at http://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/npswapa/extContent/usmc/pcn-190-003137-00/sec1.htm .


Both the marines and the army were involved in the operation, but the marines were assigned Peleliu from the start. Only later were soldiers from the 81st Infantry Division committed to assist.


As both these were printed first, then digitized, you may cite them as either print or Internet sources. But be consistent. Remember to provide page numbers if you treat them as print sources. Internet citations should include author, title, name of web site, web address, and date of access.




The following books, all available through Rutgers Library, may also help.


Blair, Bobby C., and John Peter DeCioccio. Victory at Peleliu: the 81st Infantry Division’s Pacific Campaign. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2011.


Hallas, James. The Devil’s Anvil: The Assault on Peleliu. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1994.


Ross, Bill D. Peleliu: Tragic Triumph: the Untold Story of the Pacific War’s Forgotten Battle, 1st ed. New York: Random House, 1991.


Sloan, Bill. Brotherhood of Heroes: the Marines at Peleliu, 1944: the Bloodiest Battle of the Pacific War. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2005.


Smith, Robert Ross. The Approach to the Philippines. United States Army in World War II series. Washington, DC: US Army Center for Military History, 1996.