Homeless with Disabilities: Intersectionality Theory

Homeless with Disabilities: Intersectionality Theory

This paper will focus on the analysis and review of the population of America’s homeless people with disabilities population in later and present societal settings. The analysis and review will include U.S. perspective changes regarding the homeless with disabilities population throughout shifting paradigms. A close comparison will be made with how these fluctuating paradigms affect societal views, politics, treatment, care, and services of this population. I will do this by first examining these two components, homelessness and disability, separately from each other. Then, I will combine the two components under the lens of intersectionality theory. This theory will be used as a theoretical basis to Disability Studies and multiple sources will be referenced and cited to support the use of this theory in findings illustrated throughout the paper. The paper will consist of findings or data that discusses the historical shortcomings as well as efforts made to support and address issues related to housing our homeless people with disabilities population, explain why this population is so at-risk and considered a protected class, and stress the importance and need for this population to have access to innovative services and programs that are multifaceted. Research Paper – Students will be required to pick a topic of their own interest related to disability and diversity and write a 10-15 page research paper about this topic. Topics must be discussed with, and agreed upon, by the instructor. Papers will be graded in equal measure according to the following criteria : a) Uses Disability Studies as its theoretical basis b) Respectful of disability experience, culture and use of language c) Clear thesis (topic) d) Logical flow of sub topics that support thesis e) Supported by evidence (citations) f) Edited for grammar, spelling, punctuation Must Haves – APA Style. Font: Arial 12