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IntroductionIntegration Fit HeartIntegration Fit SoulIntegration Fit MindIntegration Fit StrengthConclusionThese four organizational character outcomes serve as the virtues toward which presumes every stakeholder should demonstrate support of the mission. Each performance outcome has three distinct criteria that can be used to ascertain mission effectiveness.The Central Christian Health System MissionWe help people achieve health for life through compassionate service inspired by faith.HeartSOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: CULTURAL & RELATIONALMembers of the Central Christian Health System will demonstrate an ability to engage and connect with others as demonstrated by:1. An appreciation for individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds and worldviews.2. Participation in hospitality, social justice and community service.3. The practice of civil discourse and empathetic communication.SoulsSPIRITUALLY RESPONSIVE: SPIRITUAL & ENVIRONMENTALMembers of the Central Christian Health System will demonstrate an appreciation for the Lordship of Jesus Christ as demonstrated by:1. Involvement in a body of believers.2. Conscious stewardship of resources (e.g. finances, assets, time, abilities, environment).3. The practice of spiritual disciplines and growing evidence of the Fruits of the Spirit.MindEMOTIONALLY COMPETENT: INTELLECTUAL & PSYCHOLOGICALMembers of the Central Christian Health System will demonstrate a commitment to a responsible and healthy lifestyle as demonstrated by:1. The pursuit of work that is meaningful and fulfilling.2. Participation in activities leading to health and wellness (nutrition, fitness, hygiene).3. A deliberate lifestyle of service to God and humanityStrengthPROFESSIONALLY ASTUTE: PHYSICAL & TECHNICAL WORK COMPETENCEMembers of the Central Christian Health System will demonstrate a commitment to a responsible and healthy lifestyle as demonstrated by:1. The pursuit of work that is meaningful and fulfilling.2. Participation in activities leading to health and wellness (nutrition, fitness, hygiene).3. A deliberate lifestyle of service to God and humanityThe Core Four Model represents the principles Members of the Central Christian Health System use as a gauge relative to the fulfillment of the mission. Each outcome signifies a distinct quality that can be used to quantify institutional progress and are useful in the evaluative process. Subordinate measures can be used as performance indicators.Character can be described as the summative qualities that define an individual. These individuals comprise groups and organizations and the Core Four are intended to guide individuals, and therefore member organizations in their decision making, behavior, business activities, planning and general conduct. The etymology of the word demonstrates that it signified the manner of life and encompassed the internal disposition and nature of the individual, as approved by external actions and behaviors.The distinct merits and virtues are not necessarily identified, since character itself was defined through the observation of the individual, not necessarily by a comparison to an outside standard.