How does daily life appear to have changed and stayed the same over the waves of civilizations?

• Assignment 4 (Final Assignment): For this portion of the project, you’re going to bring together the first three sections into a final project that answers the questions below. You will have some flexibility in how you put together this final product. o Overall Goals:  How do your sources represent the civilizations you’ve chosen?  What questions do your sources answer and which do the sources not answer?  How do these sources reflect the ways in which civilization changed between first to second and second to third wave civilizations?  Are sources from one civilization easier to work with than others?  Incorporate the strengths and weaknesses you’ve identified in Assignments 2 and 3 when discussing your sources.  Thinking as a historian, how do these sources help you to tell the story of these civilizations? Do these sources connect your civilizations in any way in terms of change and continuity?  Be sure to incorporate what these sources tell you about daily life. How does daily life appear to have changed and stayed the same over the waves of civilizations?  Which class(es) of society do your sources seem to represent? o Format:  You are required to incorporate 1,200 words of text, as well as visuals for all of your primary sources (where applicable).  You must include a thesis which identifies whether your sources indicate more areas of change or continuity as civilization has progressed from first to third wave.  You may construct a traditional essay or you may choose to be more creative. You could format the project as a travel brochure, a website, a blog post, travel memoir, museum/exhibit display, field notes, etc.