Human Sexuality and Diversity

Human Sexuality and Diversity

Once you have selected your topic, each student will develop their own paper that analyzes the issues of human sexuality from multidisciplinary perspectives ie., social sciences, applied sciences, and a diversity component. Apply concepts from three distinctly different disciplines of human study to analyze your topic, one from each column below. Incorporate theoretical frameworks, theoretical constructs and other explanations that have been used by these disciplines to create a perspective that will provide a possible explanation for your topic.  This should be the way the discipline approaches the topic, not a listing of findings. For example, if you choose history as a discipline, do not give a historical account of the topic but rather how historians synthesize the historical significance of your topic. 

Social Sciences

Applied Sciences

Diversity Component

(must use a view different from your own personal experience)




Evolutionary Theory & Anthropology

Journalism, Media Studies & Communication


Law/Political Science


Medicine/Health Sciences


Culture & Ethnic Studies

Gender & Women Studies

Religious Studies


Each student will write an 8 page research paper to include:

(10 pts) Introduction of the topic selected, introduce the three chosen disciplines, thesis statement in italics which clearly states your opinion.

(90 pts) 3 Disciplines will be covered about the topic. Make sure to clearly demonstrate which disciplines’ perspective you are analyzing. Use subject headings when you change disciplines. For the Social Sciences and the Applied Sciences disciplines, take an in-depth look at each discipline’s perspective on your topic. Comment on how each perspective is different from the other disciplines.  For the Diversity Framework, use insights from own cultural rules and biases to examine the topic. Use at least one other USA culture/gender/ethnicity/religion’s framework to examine the topic.

(20 pts) Self-Reflection: Reflection on how self-perspective of the topic is changed after researching the topic. Reflection on self as a learner; skills acquired from the assignment, insights into the research & writing process, evaluate own learning from perspective of envisioning future improved self.

(20 points) Conclusion: draw conclusion(s) by combining theories from the examined disciplines.

(10 pts) reference list of all journals used in APA, 6th edition format (page 9 of the 8 page paper).  Your reference list must have 5-10 academic research journals, with at least one source for each discipline. Do not cite websites. Use APA citation format for both in text citations and reference list. Your text book, encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia, and ProCon are not an academic source for your reference list.


The research paper must be 8 full pages in length, typed in 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, page numbered, and double spaced. This assignment must use college level writing including spelling, verb usage and tense, grammar, vocabulary, sentence formation and paragraph development. Third person should be used for all sections of the paper except for the reflection. Use of direct quotes should be limited to 10% of your paper with paraphrasing being preferred for most situations.

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