Identifying Themes and Concerns for the Benefit of the Individual Business Manager

Identifying Themes and Concerns for the Benefit of the Individual Business Manager

This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:

1. Detect the characteristics of new and unstructured external issues that impinge on organisational performance.
2. Appreciate the nature of change driven by issues not arising from within the organisation.
4. Positively engage with new and unstructured issues in a deliberate and systematic fashion.
7. Construct and present information in a coherent and professional format which inspires further inquiry.

1. The first two guest lectures contain distinct and contradictory ideas (equivalent to the Unstructured Information typically shared during a board/business meeting without prior knowledge of the members). Using your notes, research and ‘board-room’ presentations use thematic analysis to identify connections, either obvious or less clear, between the two lectures that have a common theme. The themes should have potential relevance to individual business managers in the changing nature of work now and in the future.

2. Having identified three or four (maximum) common themes use text books, journals and secondary research to support your unique argument(s) for why managers and leaders should take note of these concerns in their future practice. 

3. The work should offer arguments that are directly drawn from these connections and should demonstrate your unique thinking supported by evidence from academic research, and drawing directly on previous learning from within the course. These links must be explicitly grounded in academic concepts and theory, supported by good referencing.

4. A short critical and personal reflection on your approach to dialogue and argumentation should contain no more than 200 words. (Using the word “I” in this section is permissible.)

Your answer should be in an assignment format.

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