Implementation & Evaluation of a Decision Support System

Implementation & Evaluation of a Decision Support System

DSS Implementation
Follow these instructions for writing your decision support system (DSS) Implementation and Evaluation Project Paper. The final project for this course involves all content covered to this point, including items from all the prior assigned readings and discussions. This paper is limited to 8-10 pages, (excluding title page and reference list) and accounts for 30% of your course grade. Use the DSS Implementation and Evaluation for this assignment as a guide for writing your paper.
NOTE: Take the analysis of your Individual Graded Project DSS and develop an implementation plan and evaluation strategy for the DSS in a healthcare organization. In addition to the introduction (not labeled as such) and conclusion, the paper should include category headings as listed here and contain all of the criteria/elements listed under each category.
Implementation Approach (20 points)
 Identify the problem the DSS will help decision makers solve.
o If the project is a build: Describe the major steps in developing the DSS and define the various types of testing the DSS will need before implementing the prototype.
o If the project is a buy: Define the type of DSS you will buy and describe the major steps and criteria you will use in selecting the DSS vendor and software.
o Describe the user and management involvement in the implementation approach, goal development and implementation and evaluation planning and how you will obtain management and user “buy-in?”
Implementation goals (20 points)
 Describe the Key Characteristics and Capabilities of your DSS (Sharda, et al, 2015, p. 60, 65).
 Discuss how you will ensure connectivity and integration to databases and other enterprise systems.
 Discuss the data management, model management, user interface and knowledge management subsystems of your DSS.
Implementation Plan (20 points)
 Include how you will study existing processes for redesign that need change to improve quality of care to be effected through this DSS implementation.
 Discuss factors that will lead to success in implementing the DSS, such as technology, behavior and implementation issue resolution.
 Include how you might use collaboration, communication and group support decision support systems to enhance and support team communication for the implementation project.
Evaluation: Approach, Goals, and Plan (20 points)
 Describe the evaluation approach to be used with management and end users after implementation of the DSS and what you will do with the results of your evaluation.
 Describe the goals/outcomes for determining the success of the DSS implementation and how you determined these goals/outcomes.
 Describe your evaluation plan, including the methods you will use to evaluate the DSS.
Scholarly Writing (20 points)

 The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (6th ed.)M7A1: Implementation & Evaluation of a Decision Support System (DSS) Rubric
This assignment addresses the following Student Learning Program Outcomes (SLPOs) and Course Outcomes. SLPOs indicated with an * are specifically measured with this assignment.
Student Learning Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Nursing Informatics Competencies
SLPO#3: Synthesize theoretical and empirical knowledge from nursing and other disciplines that are essential for nursing judgment and practice.
CO#1*: Identify data sources needed for decision making in healthcare environments.
INF 1: Use health information technology to inform decisions that improve key health systems processes and outcomes.
SLPO#4*: Integrate specialty practice knowledge to enhance interprofessional collaboration, inform decisions, and improve outcomes
CO#1*: Examine a variety of information management tools to support data driven decisions.
The following criteria will be used to grade your paper assignment, which accounts for 40% of your final grade. Keep in mind that the expectations described under each performance level on the scale (e.g., mastery, developing) defines the minimum performance that must be demonstrated. Fewer points will be awarded if the expectations of each criterion are not met or only partially met. Mastery is considered “target” performance. Performance at a Mastery level for each criterion is considered ideal. Exemplary performance is considered rare.
Performance levels equate to the following point ranges on a 100-point scale:
Exemplary = 100 – 95
Mastery = 94 – 85
Developing = 84 – 75
Beginning = 74 – 65
Incomplete = 64 – 0
Point ranges are equivalent to the following letter grades:
100 – 90 points = A
89 – 80 points = B
79 – 70 points = C
69 – 60 points = D
Below 60 = F

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