Judges “liberal judges” and “conservative judges.”

Description 1. The text claims that there are such things as “liberal judges” and “conservative judges.” Is this true? Why or why not? THEN give counter argument 2. The text identifies judges’ “politics” by categorizing the outcomes of cases into political categories. (E.g., “liberal judges tend to uphold legislation that benefits the economic underdog” and “conservative judges tend to side with big business.”) How do we account for the differences in judges’ decisions if not personal politics? THEN give counter argument 3. What criteria should the Senate used to evaluate a judicial nominee? Specifically, should a nominee’s underlying beliefs (e.g., politics, moral philosophy, religion) or identity (e.g., race, gender, sexuality) be issues subject to inquiry and evaluation by the Senate? Should the nominee’s academic, educational, and work experience be the sole criteria for Senate approval? THEN give counter argument