Korean American COMMUNITY ANALYSIS;Research and write a community analysis in relation to an identified social problem regarding Mental Health issues in Korean American Community in the Metropolitan New York. Address the following: 1. Describe the commun

The purpose of this assignment is to integrate theory and advanced concepts in macro/micro practice utilizing knowledge discussed throughout the semester. The focus is intended to cover material from class lectures, course readings, issues informed by current events in the environment and your own research. Answer each section of the question and be sure to integrate readings from the bibliography that have informed your theoretical understanding. You are encouraged to use critical thinking, express opinions and reflection in your responses. Cite at least four (4) references from the syllabus, using the publication style of the American Psychological Association.

Research and write a community analysis in relation to an identified social problem regarding Mental Health issues in Korean American Community in the Metropolitan New York.
Address the following:

1. Describe the community problem addressed in the analysis (include statistics).
2. Methodology i.e. how did you collect the data? This could be through interviews (directors of agencies, police precincts, religious leaders), census data, historical records, CCS (Citizens Committee of Children Kids Count), Kids Count (Annie E. Casey Foundation).
3. Describe overall observations about the targeted neighborhood/community
– Location and physical description
– Summary of demographic information and changes over time
– History and culture.

4. Description and analysis of internal resources: residents’ strengths, interests and ideas, and potential leaders.
– Residents: homeowners and renters
– Faith-based institutions
– Business and property owners
– Social-service agencies
– Community organizations
– Large institutions located in the neighborhood

5. Description and analysis of external resources: their interests, ideas and potential influences to contribute to or alleviate the problem.
• Corporations (e.g. large employers, the media and financial institutions
• Government representatives and agencies
• Philanthropic institutions
• Large external institutions not located in the neighborhood (e.g. universities)

6. Potential partnerships and areas of collaboration to solve the problem.

The course syllabus will be attached to the assigned writer when the bid is done.