Legalization of medically assisted death.

 After choosing one of the above topics, you should: 1.Find newspaper or journal articles that reflect former societal thinking about the topic; 2.Find at least one case that treats the subject similarly to this thinking; 3. Set out the previous Criminal Code sections; 4.Find news paper or journal articles that reflect current societal thinking about the topic; 5.Find at least one case that reflects current societal thinking on the topic (even before Criminal Code changes); 6.Analyse how the changes in society led to changes in judicial thinking and changes to the Criminal Code. Your paper should: 1.clearly set out how morals and norms in society influence the criminal law; how the judiciary are influenced by the cultural morals and norms; how offences in the Criminal Code are made or removed to align with societal morals and norms; 4. critically analyze how the changes in society affect the changes in the law and whether or not these changes are to the benefit of society. must use legal citations, however, Include a reference page at the end