linguistics, commutation test

linguistics, commutation test

The commutation test is a way to explore the choices available to a sign maker by changing a signifier – e.g., substituting one lexical item for another or one spatial arrangement for another – and considering its effect on the signified meaning. Explore how the reconfiguration of the modal relationship impacts on the relations between the modes and the meaning of the text following these steps:

a. Select a text (e.g. newspaper front page) that you are interested in analysing.
b. Identify the layout structure of the text. This might be in the form of boxed areas, columns, strips or grid-like structures on the page or screen.
c. Rearrange the elements of the text, using drawing software (e.g., Paint for Windows), to ‘cut and paste’ or working manually with printouts and scissors, to create THREE variations of the artefact.





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