“Low Fat love”

 Description Two times this semester, you will engage with popular media and analyze it using sociological theories and concepts. In the first, you will analyze any fiction film of your choosing; in the second, you will analyze the novel, Low Fat Love. The best analyses (“A” range papers) will briefly summarize the film/novel (no more than 1 page) and then include approximately 1 page on theory, and 1 page for each concept. Thus, the papers will be approximately 4-5 pages in length. After your summary, begin by applying one theory. First, define the theory IN YOUR OWN WORDS; this includes considering what the theory is intended to explain. Note that theories usually contain several components to be fully fleshed out. For example, Goffman’s theory of dramaturgy includes a number of concepts: front, region, personal front, backstage, and frontstage. A good application of this theory would include your consideration of these components. After the definition, apply the theory to examples from the film/novel. You might choose 2 brief examples, or 1 longer scene—either way, make sure you FULLY EXPLAIN how the theory applies. In the next 2 sections, you will apply concepts from the class. Again, at the beginning of each section, define your chosen concept (from the lists below) IN YOUR OWN WORDS. As with the theories, some concepts have smaller sub- or related concepts that may be useful when it comes to fully applying the concept to the film/novel. For example, “culture” can include both material culture and symbolic culture, and when talking about “socialization” you will probably need to consider who are the “agents of socialization” in the film. You will draw on 1 or 2 specific scenes or examples from your film and fully explain how the concepts fit.