Managing People and Careers – FAQs (Updated 20.09.2018) Q. Where are the vacancies? A: There are 3 and they are all in the Assessment section of Moodle, they will be revealed in week 9. Some of you have downloaded some information in this section of Mood

Managing People and Careers – FAQs (Updated 20.09.2018)

Q. Where are the vacancies? A: There are 3 and they are all in the Assessment section of Moodle, they will be revealed in week 9. Some of you have downloaded some information in this section of Moodle. This can be used as a practice and different job descriptions will be available from week 9 in Moodle.

Q. Why do we need to wait until week 9 to get the job descriptions? A: We are doing this to simulate a real job search experience. You may see a job and the deadline is in a few weeks or a few days. This module is a way for you to PRACTICE and SIMULATE a real experience so this is why we are revealing the job descriptions in week 9.

Q. The Assessment Brief refers to 5 application questions, where are they? A: They are in the Assessment Hand-In Template.

Q. How do I format my CV and cover letter? A.  Refer to all the links and reference books we have directed you to during the module. There are several templates uploaded in weeks five and six of Moodle, please use these templates and follow the information from lectures and seminars.

Q. How do I format my notes from the Interview and the Assessment Centre exercise? A. 200 words in bullet points, format for each component.

Q For the mock interviews, what questions will we need to ask? A: You will be in groups of three and then one person is the interviewee, another is the interviewer and another person will be the observer. The observers job is to write notes on how the interviewee is doing (you will be given a form to do this). Then you will rotate until everyone has a chance to do each role. The exercise is general exercise and thus will not be based on any particular job role, it is just a way for you to practice answering general interview questions. You will then reflect on this experience and this will form part of your assessment.

Q. What will the assessment centre exercise be? A: To simulate a real assessment centre, details will be given in the seminar in week 10. You will be working in groups and given an exercise to complete. The assessment is based on a REAL SELECTION process designed by world renowned psychologist consultancy, Saville. You will then reflect on this experience and this will form part of your assessment.

Q. Will you review and feedback on my draft before I submit? A. During seminars in Week 11, you will have the opportunity to discuss your draft with your tutor.

Q. Do I need to include the feedback sheet in my assessment portfolio? No, you need to analyse and summarise the key points

Q. Do I need to include my reflection sheet in my assessment portfolio? No, you need to analyse and summarise the key points

Q. How do I get good marks on my reflective element? By writing a well expressed, well thought out reflection, demonstrating a clear self-knowledge and understanding of action needed to improve; linking it with your personal learning from Understanding Self and Others is a good idea

Q. What’s the reflective element worth? The reflective element of the assessment accounts for 10% of the overall mark.

Q. What happens if I do not include a reflection for both the interview and the group exercise? If you only include one element you can only achieve a maximum mark of 45 in this criterion, even if your reflection for the one component you do submit is exceptionally good.

Q. What happens if I include neither element? You lose 10% of your possible mark.

Q. Is there a specific format or proforma for the reflective statement? It should be 200 words in bullet point format.** (Refer to Assessment Brief)

Q. Do I have to write my reflective statement in bullet point format? Yes, you do. It is stated in the Assessment Brief.

Q. For the application questions, can I write less for some questions and transfer the word-count to others? No. You have a maximum of 200 words per question. Often, online applications will actually prevent you from writing any more than the specified word-count. So you can write less than 200 words for each question, but you cannot use the word-count elsewhere.


Q. Should I answer all the applications questions individually, or should I combine the answers in an essay? You answer all the questions individually.


Q. Do I need to include academic references? Only if they are appropriate. The only place I can imagine you referring to a theory or a model might be in your reflective statements, in which case, include Harvard style referencing at the end of each reflection (not at the very end of the document). If you do use something which includes someone else’s work, however, you MUST credit them.


Q. What happens if I have mitigating circumstances which prevented me attending weeks 8 and/or 10? You must apply formally through the Administration team. The information you need to do this is in the Absence section of the Student Portal. If your mitigating circumstances are agreed, we will invite you to a one-off session in week 11 to give you the opportunity to complete this part of the assessment.


Q. Can I write about another interview I have attended? No, you cannot. The assessment brief and criteria clearly state that the reflection is to be based on the interview practice in Week 8 and the Assessment Group Exercise in Week 10.


Q. Do I write about myself, or do I make up stuff? You write about yourself. Each of the vacancies has been chosen to be suitable for all students on the Managing People and Careers module.


Q. There is a web link on the top of the Vacancy Description; can I go there and get more information? Yes, you are strongly advised to do so. That is what it is there for. You do not need to include it in any references, however, because you would not be expected to do so in a job application. However, do not cut and paste anything from it – that would be unacceptable in a job application.


Q. Where do I get the Vacancy Code? It is at the top of the Vacancy Description (E.g. JD1, JD2, JD3)

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