Mandatory Questions: it can be argued that the allocation of theorists to such categories as Rational Choice or Exchange Theory, Consensus or Structural Functional Theory, or Symbolic Interaction, Dramaturgical Theory, Existential Theory is arbitrary. Sel

Mandatory Questions: it can be argued that the allocation of theorists to such categories as Rational Choice or Exchange Theory, Consensus or Structural Functional Theory, or Symbolic Interaction, Dramaturgical Theory, Existential Theory is arbitrary. Select one theorist identified by your text or in lectures as a rational choice or exchange theorist, one identified as a consensus or functionalist theorist, and one identified as a social definitionist theorist and suggest how they might be similar in their assumptions about social life and how they might be different in such assumptions. 
Rational Choice/ Exchange Theory: How do exchange theorist such as Blau or Homans differ in terms of their assumptions of the nature of exchange relationships? How are they similar? How might each explain the responses of Houstonians to hurricanes, katrina to rita or syria to refugees? (3 part question)
Consensus/Funct.: How doo the assum. of consen. theories differ from those of conflict? Then, contrast one conflict theory w/ one conse. theory to explain the presence of social stratification and inequality. 
Social Def. Theory Question: The concept of “the self” and its linkage to ‘society” is of great importance to many “micro-interactionist” theorist. First, distinguish among symbolic interactionism phenomenology or existential sociology, and dramaturgical sociology. Then, explain how the self and society are “constructed” according to the theories of Cooley, Mead, Blumer, Husserl, Schuts, Goffman, and Garfinkel. (two-part question)