Media’s influence.

The relationship between your cause and the effects means that you are looking at the after effects or the results of some act that has occurred. Be sure that you do not confuse the order of events or the Essay will not follow the proper logical train of thought for the Essay. BACKGROUND STATEMENT•This paragraph discusses the background of a topic. It might include:•Historical background•Discuss what makes it a controversial topic•It might offer definitions and discuss important people to the topic.•It might also illustrate any other groundwork necessary for helping your reader further understand your topic. •I. Introduction: Discusses the current issues of the topic and millennials. Discuss the cause. What led to it? •II. Background Statement•Thesis statement •III. Physical Destruction•A. Shock and Awe•B. Strategies for war•C. Famine and death •IV.. Returning Veterans•A. Short term effects . Long Term Effects )(new para.) •VI. Economic strife for Millennials•A. Rising federal debt•B. Job Market •VII. Conclusion: Predictions, Quotes, your commentary, interpretation of the events so far.