The topic is to predict some type of sports pay based on at least TWO independent variables.  Do not go over 3 predictor variables please.  For instance:

Major League Baseball Pitcher PAY is predicted by the number of strike out average and the number of home runs thrown per game.  The equation would look like this:

Pitcher Pay = Intercept + Strikeout average + Home run average.

You will calculate how much of the variability of pitcher pay is explained by these 2 varaibles (maybe none—who knows?)

I will provide samples that are NOT the same topic.  It will, however, provide you with the basic look and feel of what you are doing.  Select ONE dependent variable (DV), which for everyone will be PAY.  Now do a bit of research to come up with a hypothesis (and use those sources on your reference page).  What things (at least 2) do you think influence individual player PAY level?  Those things are called independent variables (IV).  Pick ONE IV that you think is the MOST influential.  We will be coming to multiple regression (MR) soon, but in the meantime—-just select 2 things you think influence pay and write it up.  When we learn MR, you will actually perform the regression and write it up. 

Some examples of major league sport data sets are: 

Advanced Football Analytics(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – NFL team and player stats; team, player, salary, and game analysis; game probabilities; playoff projections; stats glossary; calculators, visualization, and other tools; discussions about home field advantage, correlations, football fallacies, and more.

National Basketball Association(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. – NBA data; team stats, player stats, lineups, etc.

National Collegiate Athletic Association(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (NCAA) – men and women’s college sports stats searchable by sport, student-athlete, and team; records data, championship summaries, and championship results.