Online Entertainment Management

Online Entertainment Management


The application is a about vegetarian food application that provides only vegetarian food . the comptitors are uber eats , deliveroo, jinn ..
you can order food around all london and all food will be delivered in maximum 30 minutes . food over the price of £15 get a delivery free food under £15 get delivery charges and you can order food minimum £5 . you can pay online or when delivered . all restaurants that has vegetarian sections will be included in the application you can see your food delivered through a map . MUST have a business model canvas with ( key partners , key activities , key resources , value propositions , customer relationships , customer segments , channels , revenue streams , cost structure )


This coursework is worth 50% of the total module marks available for this module. This is an individual piece of work; therefore, you should not share ideas with others, while completing this work.
Your task is to submit a mobile APP development portfolio, which should include the following three elements:
1.A 1,000 word (maximum) description of your APP and its functions, analysis of its place in the marketplace and any ethical and/or legal issues you needed to consider with your APP design and the data stored for the APP;
2.A business model canvas for your APP;
3.A storyboard showing how a user would use your APP, this must show how the
functions work for the user as well as the user interface design (you could also use APP template used in the seminars and workshops).
Please note you will need to provide your sources for the analysis and any images used within this piece of work.
Please note you can only UPLOAD to TurnItIn, a single Word or PDF files and therefore you need to plan how you are going to submit your work from the beginning.
4EBUS001W – Semester 2 – 2016/17
• Report (worth 40% of the marks available)
o DescriptionoftheApp(10%)
o Selectionofsuitablefunctions(10%)
o AnalysisofthemarketplacefortheApp(10%)
o ConsiderationoflegalandethicalissuesfortheAPP(10%)
• Business model Canvas (worth 20% of the marks available)
o RelationshipbetweentheBusinessmodulecanvasandtheotherelements
within the assessment (10%)
o DepthofanalysisintheBusinessModelCanvas(10%)
• Storyboard (worth 40% of the marks available)
o Depthdetailofdesign(10%)
o CleardesignoffunctionswithintheAPP(10%)
o TheAPPdesignanditsfunctionsuseareclearlyshownwithinthestoryboard
o ThemethodsusedwithinthestoryboardtodemonstratetheAPPdesignand
functions (10%)
• All elements need to be submitted; missing one element will mean a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment.

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