Philosophy:Philosophy essay,1A) Explain the three effects of the division of labor that Adam Smith thinks drive increased productivity. What “propensity” leads to the division of labor, and what specific motivation underlies it (butcher, brewer, baker exa

1. A) Explain the three effects of the division of labor that Adam Smith thinks drive increased productivity. What “propensity” leads to the division of labor, and what specific motivation underlies it (butcher, brewer, baker example)? B) Why does Amartya Sen think that economists have misinterpreted Adam Smith? Describe what role(s) Sen thinks ethics can (and should) play in business, at the exchange, production and distribution levels. C) Does Business Ethics make economic sense? Explain your view (you may draw on any of the sources 1-5 listed on the previous page to answer this section). The three sections that comprise your paper should be roughly equal in length (approx. 350-400 words per section; go into as much detail as you can, given constraints of length). An essay that is under 1000 words or over 1200 words will be marked down. Do not include a general introduction or conclusion. Just jump right into answering the question. No other sources are necessary. Read and answer the question. This is not a research paper. Citations: Whenever you directly quote an author, be sure to include their exact words in quotation marks, with the page number(s) in brackets after the quote and before the period. For example: According to autuor, “Defenders of free markets and capitalism as a social order do not primarily defend these institutions because they embody the moral principle of maximizing individual freedom, but rather because these institutions are also supposed to promote the general welfare” (3)