photosynthesis Using excel, graph your data recorded for light absorption. Paste in a word document. Be sure to label each axis and include a figure caption for your graph.

You will be preparing a post-lab report for this topic.

(3 pts) Using excel, graph your data recorded for light absorption. Paste in a word document.
Be sure to label each axis and include a figure caption for your graph.

(2 pts) In a table, list the range of wavelengths associated with each color of the visible spectrum. Paste in a word document.
Be sure to include a table caption for your table.

(1 pt) Based on your results what colors were absorbed by the pigments? Which were reflected?

(1 pt) What is anthocyanin?

(3 pts) Using excel, prepare a graph using “arbitrary” data for the light absorption of anthocyanin. Paste in a word document. Be sure to label each axis and include a title caption for your graph.
Include citations as necessary

I uploaded the lab results in the attached files