Policy Typologies and Agenda Setting.

 ONLY USE THE FILM AND THE LECTURE AS REFERENCES. Link to the Film: https://documentaryheaven.com/who-killed-the-electric-car/ Link to the lecture on Typologies: http://video.sdsu.edu/nas/capture/2017/shawn.flanigan/Typologies_of_Public_Policies/Typologies_of_Public_Policies_-_20170304_121346_6.html Reflect on how policy typologies and agenda setting relate to the content of the film. Use the following questions to help write the paper. 1. What examples of regulatory policy do you see in the film? Are these protective regulatory policies or competitive regulatory policies? 2. What examples of agenda setting do you see in the film? How do groups compete to earn a place on the agenda? 3. How is political power used to advance issues onto the agenda and to block issues from moving closer to the decision agenda? What strategies are successful? 4. What advantages do opponents of policy change have in this film?