Political Civil Movements

Political Civil Movements

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Dissertation Chapter – Literature Review

Political Science

First: The structure of this order:
1- Social movements definition: (about 275 words, and the writer please use a critical writing)
• Here I need present and discuss the different scholars’ views about social movements definitions in different historical stages,
2- The political paradigms of social movements:( about 825 words and the writer please use a critical writing)
• Here I need to spot light some of the key historical developments in the studies and researches of the paradigms of social movements in political issues in the world through presenting the theories of social movements which that deal with the political aspect of social movements (particularly Resource mobilization theory and Political process theory) and little focus and expand the writing about the Political process theory with examples for both theories.
3- Social movements in the digital age: about 1925 words and the writer please use a critical writing)
• 3-1. Online social movements: here I need to present the historical developments of social movements via the internet and social media websites and how social media impact on social movements with examples not about political issues but about social or human rights, etc . (550 words)
• 3-2. The relationship between social movements and online political activism: here I need to spot light the relationship between social movement and online political activism in the world with examples about political issues, such as WikiLeaks issue, etc (550 words)
• 3-3. The power of social media in social movements: The writer please here in this point I need to present two different scholars viewpoints. First one see that social media have a strong role and power in social movements and uprisings in the world, such as Occupy movement, Iranians protest 2009, Venezuela protest 2014 and Arab spring uprisings, etc. Second one see contrast views that social media don’t have a strong role and power in these social movements and uprisings. (825 words)
4- Social movements in Iraq:( about 825 words and the writer please use a critical writing)
• Here I need to write the historical developments of social movements in Iraq from 1920 until now. However, I want from the writer focus and expand the information about social movements in Iraq after 2003 until now.
5- Online social movements in Iraq after 2003: about 1100 words and the writer please use a critical writing).
• Here I want to write about social movements and political activism through social media in Iraq after 2003 by the online Iraqi activists and public users. Please here focus about these subjects and examples, such as the political corruption issues, the poor services which provided by the government, like in the electricity sector, the problems of unemployment, the deteriorating security of the country, the political elite authoritarianism, religious sectarianism problems within the community, ISIS issue after they occupied third the country lands in 2014.

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