Rape Myths in criminology,Explain how rape myths can contribute to victim blaming. Select three rape myths from the list provided below and for each one, present evidence to show that it is false. This will require outside research- Don’t forget to cite y

Explain how rape myths can contribute to victim blaming. Select three rape myths from the list provided below and for each one, present evidence to show that it is false. This will require outside research- Don’t forget to cite your sources properly. Why do you think people continue to accept rape myths? Why might some rape victims accept rape myths?

Example of Rape Myths
• Rape is a sexual crime, impulsively committed by a man for sexual gratification.
• Rape doesn’t happen very often.
• Most rapes are committed by a stranger in a dark place at night.
• Women report rapes to get even with men or to protect their reputations.
• A woman who gets raped deserves it, especially if she agreed to go to the man’s home or ride in his car.
• When men become sexually aroused, they have to have sex, or they will explode.
• When a woman says no, she really means maybe or yes.
• If a woman wears certain types of clothing, she wants sex.
• If a woman is intoxicated or has passed out because of excessive use of alcohol or drugs, it is okay to have sex with her.