Redressing the Sleeper Effect: Evidence for the Favorable Persuasive Impact of Discounting Information Over Time in a Contemporary Advertising Context.

Individual Report Assessment 2: Reading, Critiquing and Presenting Academic Papers This exercise is worth 20% of the total marks available for this module. This is a 1,000-word individual report based on your own assessment of one of the peer-reviewed articles from the list below.  TBC Note: You must select the SAME article that you presented with your group for your group presentation. Purpose The purpose of this exercise is to give you more practice reading, critiquing and presenting academic papers. All of the skills are important because they will help you develop your understanding of academic papers and critical voice, both oral and written form. These skills will also help you to design more reliable and valid studies in the future. General Instructions Foos, A., Keeling, K., & Keeling, D. I. (2016). Redressing the sleeper effect: evidence for the favorable persuasive impact of discounting information over time in a contemporary advertising context. Journal of Advertising Research, 45, 19-25. (Marketing) Individual Report Instructions (1,000 Words) In addition to the group presentation, you will need to submit a 1,000-word individual report based on your analysis of the article. This report is due in Week 12 and forms 20% of your total mark for the module. You may use some of the content from your group presentation, but your individual report should not be an exact replica of what was presented in your group’s presentation. The individual report should be based on your own work and not the work of your group. Your individual report should contain the following components: What do you need to include: 1. Full reference of the article selected and any other references you used to write your report is to be include in a reference list at the end of the report (not included in the word count). Please note that you should also specify which article you have chosen to review on the title page of the report. 2. Introduction: (approx. 75 words): Outline your key points to be discussed in your report. 3. Key literature and research question/hypothesis (approx.100 words): Briefly summarise in your own words the key literature and the theoretical framework used in the article. Clearly indicate the main research question/hypothesis that the article is aiming to answer. 4. Methodology: (approx. 200 words): Describe the methodology for collecting data (survey, lab experiment, experimental survey, field experiment, archival, case study, field observation) of each study in the article. You should discuss the measures used (interview questions, survey questions, documentary evidence, etc.) and sample for each study in the article. 5. Results and conclusions: (approx. 250 words): Summarise the results and indicate what general conclusions we can withdraw from the research. 6. Critical analysis: (approx. 300 words): Critically evaluate the conclusions of the study: validity, reliability and generalisability of the research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the research. You may even suggest a possible further study to complement the research you reviewed. 7. Conclusion (approx. 75 words): Summarise your key arguments made in your report. Helpful Tips for Analysing the Article When analysing the article, focus on critiquing the methodological choices of the article. Some questions you could consider are: Were the measures appropriate? Should other measures be included instead? Did the data that was collected match the research question or hypothesis? Were the the analyses appropriate? Were the conclusions drawn from the data appropriate? Your answer should not exceed 1,000 words. As this is a piece of academic writing, you should not use bullet points to make your argument. However, you may use headings for each section if you wish. Individual Report Marking Criteria Summary of the key literature, research question/hypothesis, research methods, findings and conclusions:  Is there a discussion of the key literature, research question/hypothesis, research methods, findings and conclusions? Critical analysis of research in the article: 40 Marks – Is there a critical analysis of the research presented in the article? Is there a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the research in the article? Presentation/Format (20 marks) – Is the report clearly and coherently structured (is it a report)? Has the report referenced and cited relevant materials? What is the standard of writing, in terms of clarity and coherence as well as in terms of mechanics (grammar, spelling, presentation)?