Representative Political Issues;This first part of the assignment requires students to research both their House Representative and a public policy problem that matters to them as follows: 1. Select a public problem that matters to you. Be sure this is a

This first part of the assignment requires students to research both their House Representative and a public policy problem that matters to them as follows:

1. Select a public problem that matters to you. Be sure this is a federal issue.
2. Drawing on government websites, news articles, think tank reports, etc., research the contours of this problem and policy solutions that have been proposed and why these solutions have not resolved this issue.
3. Now, think through some actions Congress can take on your policy problem. (Think back to our discussions of policy alternatives.) How would you like it to resolve this issue? Be realistic and very specific. 
4. Separately, identify your House Representative. First, you may use this website to identify your Congressional district. However, because your representative may change in January, you should confirm who won your district here.
5. Now, consider your legislator’s position on your policy issue. Your legislator’s government and campaign websites, as well as news articles, should provide you with this information. Also consider the legislator’s background, party affiliation, and constituency. Based on this information, what policy options is he or she likely to support?

Finally, summarize this information in an approximately two page double-spaced paper. Be explicit about the policy problem and its scope, why it matters to you, who your legislator is, his/her policy positions, and the likelihood his/she will support your proposed policy solution. Support your essay with five to six reputable sources (include a bibliography in APA or MLA format).

My Representative is Pete Olson of Congressional District 22 of Texas. The policy I want to focus on is support of stricter immplementation/policies of immigration laws