Rice and it’s cultural importance in China,talk about CULTURAL importances only,Food is more than just nutrition and sustenance, it plays many roles in our lives. Choose a food item (can be a crop, ingredient, dish) that has (or had) significant political

Food is more than just nutrition and sustenance, it plays many roles in our lives. Choose a food item (can be a crop, ingredient, dish) that has (or had) significant political, economic, OR cultural meaning in an area of the world (can be city, region, country, etc.). Analyze its political, economic, or cultural importance to that area with the help of concept(s). Be sure that there are enough academic sources available to write about the food item you have chosen. -talk about CULTURAL importances only -avoid using psychology points/references.

In this assignment you will be expected to apply concepts either from class or other academic sources to your argument. These are meant to be argumentative essays rather than descriptive. Through your analysis and use of concept(s), you should be able to craft an argument that will frame your essay. Do not be afraid to get creative and/or to look ahead in your readings. For your essay, you will have the option of choosing from 2 different topics: 1. Food is more than just nutrition and sustenance, it plays many roles in our lives. Choose a food item (can be a crop, ingredient, dish) that has (or had) significant political, economic, OR cultural meaning in an area of the world (can be city, region, country, etc.). Analyze its political, economic, or cultural importance to that area with the help of concept(s). Be sure that there are enough academic sources available to write about the food item you have chosen. 2. In the last few decades, there have been many food certification logos created by non-state actors. These have highlighted particular qualities of food that some people find important. Choose a food certification logo that was not created by government. Analyze it by relating it to a discourse in food studies (i.e. sustainability, health, ethics, localism, etc.). 

Your essay should be approximately 1700-1800 words excluding the title page and reference list, DOUBLE-SPACED ❖ You should be using and referencing theoretical and empirical materials from course readings and external sources ❖ You should have at least academic 5 sources in your reference list. External sources can be found on the library website or Google Scholar. Please be sure you are using ONLY academic sources, government sources, or nongovernmental organization sources (newspaper articles are NOT appropriate sources of information). *** Please note that government and non-governmental organization sources do not count as academic sources. ❖ You must use the textbook as a source ❖ Ensure you are applying course content to your paper (usually in the form of a concept or two, or a theory) — in other words, you MUST have a conceptual framework in your essay to analyze your topic. ❖ APA format must be used throughout your paper, including your citations and reference list ❖ You must include a reference list with your essay ❖ Make sure you staple your graded paper proposal to the end of your essay A good essay needs to have a clear, well-focused thesis, to review relevant sociological literature. You should supply evidence to support your main argument by utilizing available class-based and external sources. Your essay will be evaluated in relation to: • Clarity of thesis • Relevance to course material and use of concepts • Integration of course topics and materials • Use of additional supporting sources • Evidence presented to support your claims • Organization, sentence and paragraph structure • Effectiveness of your written communication • Proper use of citation and quotation rules and references Check the student learning support site for ideas about improving your writing skills: http://www.ryerson.ca/studentlearningsupport/index.html /. There are many useful handouts on writing and referencing that you can access on-line through the “handouts” menu. Tips for the Final Essay Assignment ❖ Try to make your thesis specific, but not as specific so you cannot find research on your topic o Include one concept in your thesis to show you can apply classroom knowledge in your own research (this will ensure you are conceptualizing your topic) o Avoid making this a descriptive essay. Don’t just write about your chosen topic, analyze it and make sense of it using concepts/theory as your tools. ❖ Use subtitles or subheadings in your paper to organize your ideas ❖ Ensure you are citing your sources throughout your paper ❖ Use APA format throughout your essay and in your citations and reference list Final Essay Instructions 3 Format: Your essay must include a title page and also a reference list detailing your research sources. Please see the course outline for a discussion of plagiarism. Introduction: You must have an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the option you have chosen for your essay topic including the food label or food item. In this introduction you will also clearly tell the reader what your essay will focus on. The introductory paragraph informs the reader about your objectives and what the reader should expect in the following pages. Body: You must have several paragraphs that sequentially explore your main ideas in a structured argument. Each paragraph should contain ONE major theme or idea that is explored in-depth. You will have supporting external references to back-up all of your arguments and claims. You should connect the paragraphs in such a way that the reader understands why they proceed in the order that you have put them. PLEASE USE SUBTITLES. Conclusion: You should also have a brief concluding paragraph in which you summarize your main argument and findings, and provide recommendations for future research, if you have any. Late Essays Do not ask for extensions on the day before the paper is due unless a real emergency has created the necessity for this. Try to be proactive. If you see that you are falling behind in your assignments come and talk to me about helping you complete the essay and developing realistic expectations for its completion. Essays should be handed in during the class period on the specified date. Late essays should be submitted both in the online dropbox on D2L and a printed copy to the Sociology Department dropbox in Jorgenson, 300 level. These essays are collected and date-stamped each day and put in my mailbox. If you submit your essay late, your essay may not be marked at the same time as others who handed in their essay on time, resulting in a possible delay. References Academic research is not “googling” your topic. You can do this for your own exploration to get a handle on your topic. Newspaper articles are not appropriate sources for academic papers. If you are not sure about the quality or acceptability of an online source, it is best to check with me.