School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBS) Write using the learning resources paying particular attention to the readings on School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBS). Summarize your analysis of the exampl

School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBS)

Write: a 2-3 page paper using the learning resources paying particular attention to the readings on School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBS). Summarize your analysis of the example. In addition, reflect on the School in Crisis multimedia scenarios you observed, and describe at least three initial steps you think Grand City should take if they want to implement SWPBS in their school district.

Select one example of the implementation of SWPBS from the Learning Resources or your own research and reflect on the following questions regarding the example:

What are/were the goals and objectives for SWPBS implementation?
Who provided support for SWPBS implementation?
Who received support during SWPBS implementation?

What professional development was part of SWPBS implementation support?
Who participated in the professional development?
What was the perceived value of the professional development?

To what extent was SWPBS implemented as designed?
To what extent was SWPBS implemented with fidelity?

To what extent is SWPBS associated with changes in student outcomes?
To what extent is SWPBS associated with changes in academic performance, dropout rates, and other areas of schooling?

-Replication, Sustainability, and Improvement
To what extent did SWPBS implementation improve capacity for the state/region/district to replicate SWPBS practices, sustain SWPBS practices, and improve social and academic outcomes for students?
To what extent did SWPBS implementation change educational/behavioral policy?
To what extent did SWPBS implementation affect systemic educational practice?


The relationship between ninth-grade retention and on-time graduation in a southeast Texas high school.

Preventing retention: First grade classroom instruction and student characteristics.

Implementing Response to Intervention: Results of a Survey of School Principal Kelly Swindlehurst, Katharine Shepherd, George Salembier, …
First Published April 12, 2017 Research Article
Core features of multi-tiered systems of reading and behavioral support. In C. R. Greenwood, T. R. Kratochwill, & M. Clements (Eds.), Schoolwide prevention models: Lessons learned in elementary schools, (pp. 31–58).,+D.+J.,+Harn,+B.+A.,+Sugai,+G.,+Horner,+R.,+Simmons,+D.+C.,+%26+Kame%E2%80%99enui,+E.+J.+(2008).+Core+features+of+multi-tiered+systems+of+reading+and+behavioral+support.+In+C.+R.+Greenwood,+T.+R.+Kratochwill,+%26+M.+Clements+(Eds.),+Schoolwide+prevention+models:+Lessons+learned+in+elementary+schools,+(pp.+31%E2%80%9358).+New+York,+NY:+Guilford+Press.&source=bl&ots=8omIfbs6wI&sig=STVN-2_J8ah4V6TxkUd1eQeDhsc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiR5oyI3qreAhVDwMQHHeG3C2QQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Chard%2C%20D.%20J.%2C%20Harn%2C%20B.%20A.%2C%20Sugai%2C%20G.%2C%20Horner%2C%20R.%2C%20Simmons%2C%20D.%20C.%2C%20%26%20Kame%E2%80%99enui%2C%20E.%20J.%20(2008).%20Core%20features%20of%20multi-tiered%20systems%20of%20reading%20and%20behavioral%20support.%20In%20C.%20R.%20Greenwood%2C%20T.%20R.%20Kratochwill%2C%20%26%20M.%20Clements%20(Eds.)%2C%20Schoolwide%20prevention%20models%3A%20Lessons%20learned%20in%20elementary%20schools%2C%20(pp.%2031%E2%80%9358).%20New%20York%2C%20NY%3A%20Guilford%20Press.&f=fa