Seminar about Ancient Egypt

 Description SEMINAR #1 QUESTIONS Seminar #1: Ancient Egypt 1. Describe the importance the Nile played in ancient Egyptian society. 2. Why is Hatshepsut significant? Why was Hatshepsut portrayed as a male king? What is unique about her mortuary temple? 3. What was the canon that was so profoundly important to ancient Egyptian art? What was unusual about Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten? Include in your answer a compare and contrast of Khafre Enthroned from Gizeh with Akhenaton’s colossal statue from the Temple of Aton in Karnak. 4. The ancient Egyptians saw life as a journey, somewhat like a trip down the Nile. In your own words, explain the Egyptians process of mummification and their pursuit of immortality. Include in your answer an artwork from the textbook. Describe the artwork and how it ensures the health, enjoyment, and security of the dead.