Shakespeare’s Universal Human Truths

 Description WORD COUNT: 750 total — broken up between several questions in both Part I and Part II. Any question that does not have a word count can be treated as a short answer. TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT: Formal / Gordon Rule WHAT: Watch Kenneth Branagh’s cinematic adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, made in 1993. This movie is available for streaming on Amazon video but, if you have other resources that allow you to view it, that is fine. Just make sure it is this version of ‘Much Ado…’ Made in 1993, directed by Kenneth Branagh. Watching a different version means you will see a different interpretation. FOLLOW SYLLABUS GUIDELINES UNDER “FORMAL ASSIGNMENTS” NOTE: The Supplemental Materials for Chapter Five will also help with this assignment as much of the information in that document is about Shakespeare’s Universal Human Truths. OTHER: Relax and enjoy yourself. This is a truly funny piece of storytelling and this version