SMS project for Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport

Each student will prepare a written research project in APA format. The project must include: Tile Page Abstract Overview of SMS (minimum of three pages not including tables or figures) • A thorough overview of the four components of SMS (2 pages minimum) • Advantages to implementing SMS at airports • Barriers/Challenges to implementing SMS at airports Airport Selection (1/2 to 1 page not including tables or figures) • Identify by name the airport targeted for this project o Must be an actual airport and selection must be approved by Dr. Lutte • Include basic operating statistics for the airport (recommended source: FAA Form 5010) Safety risk management (minimum of three pages not including tables or figures) o Hazard identification  Specifically identify three hazards for your identified airport  Describe the hazards  Include a Common Airport Hazards table that is specific to and lists your identified hazards. The table format should be based on Table 8 pgs. 70 – 73 of ACRP SMS Vol 2 (see course site for document). o Risk assessment  Assess each hazard you identified using the FAA risk matrix table, see ACRP SMS Vol 2 Figure 10, p. 77. Include the table as an Appendix. Provide discussion to explain how each of your specific hazards relate to the risk matrix.  Include a Risk Level Classification table. The table format should be based on Table 13, Pg. 85, ACRP SMS Vol 2. Create the table using your identified hazards. o Risk Mitigation  Discuss risk mitigation strategies for each hazard you identified. Conclusions (1/2 page) References • Reference list must contain a minimum of 10 references, at least 5 references must be sources not assigned or provided by the professor. All citations and the reference list must be in APA format.