social norms/ LGBTQ and conflict theory,Reading Response #3: How have societal norms influenced how victims and offenders in institutional settings experience sexual crimes? Students will analyze the readings presented in the course material (both requir

Reading Response #3: How have societal norms influenced how victims and offenders in institutional settings experience sexual crimes?

Students will analyze the readings presented in the course material (both required texts-Sexual Offenses & Sexual Victimization) with the goal of deepening their understanding of issues and controversies related to sexual crimes. Students will use the following format to prepare to discuss the topic in the readings assigned using the question provided. Reading discussions will be assigned to Student groups in class who will then use the same format to discuss those questions critically. Groups will be randomly selected to share their analysis in class. Each student will turn in a 3-5 paragraph typed paper, to the professor on the day the reading is due. Please check Syllabus Schedule for Due Dates. Use the following format for your paper:


Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic of the readings by summarizing the issue or problem discussed

Paragraphs 2-4: Summarize the main research/perspectives presented in the reading including any data, theories and/or results/ recommendations presented

Final Paragraph: Personal response to the reading. How it applies to this or other courses you’ve taken? Include any critiques and lingering questions

i will attach the notes from the book which must be added to the assignment.

part 2 :
Read the attached Research Brief from the National Sexual Violence Research Center and answer the questions below in the text box. You can find the Research Brief at the bottom of the document.

In what ways does homelessness play a role in sexual violence targeted at the LGBTQ community?

What are some reasons why LGBTQ sexual assault survivors have difficulty coming forward?

What is the relationship between sexual violence and hate crimes directed at the LGBTQ community?

Publications_NSVRC_Research-Brief_Sexual-Violence-LGBTQ.pdfPreview the document
Part 3:
DB8 – Conflict/Critical Criminology
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This DB has TWO options. Please choose ONE. Replies to peers do not have to be directed to someone that also wrote about the same option.

Option One

As discussed in class, it has been argued that the upper class often convinces the lower class that “status quo” is actually positive, natural or inevitable. This false consciousness dumbs down the proletariat so that that they don’t rise up against the upper class. For this post, please discuss your thoughts about this assertion. While no one wants to think of themselves as a mindless sheep who dumbly accepts societal norms and values, could it be true that the masses embrace ideology that perpetuates their place on the social ladder? If so, how does this happen that we so blindly do this? Likewise, does our embracing of capitalistic mentalities stop us from embracing solutions to problems that might otherwise be addressed if we were all a little less egoistic? For instance, can you envision a society where human dignity and equality was valued more than social status/material goods?? Or, is that impossible? How do you believe society might function if we adopted more socialistic policies? Would we crumble? Or, would it be possible to have a utopian-like society whereby everyone’s needs were met and crime was rare?

Option Two

In each of the videos we watched in class, and the quote we discussed, there was the idea that laws are not always written and implemented “fairly” or at the very least with everyone’s interests in mind. Behaviors that are not necessarily dangerous are criminalized such that one can amass many citations and even be incarcerated for things that some find “inappropriate”. In keeping with Broken Windows Theory, shutting down these inappropriate behaviors is thought to help shut down further incivilities… But, WHO gets to decide what inappropriate behaviors should merit intervention? Do you believe that the ruling class (businessmen/women, politicians, community leaders, the wealthy) can have too much power to shape public policy? Is there any merit to the idea that many crimes are crimes only b/c they disturb someone? That perhaps the law is a mechanism of social control that helps to maintain status quo for those in power who like it “their way”? Remember, the constitution has been used to justify slavery, prohibition of the right to vote for African-Americans and women, segregation, imprisonment of gay people and a host of other things. Conversely, do you perhaps take issue with the idea that some might try to minimize the crimes of those imprisoned via use of this theory? Lastly, what do you think about post-conviction policies?? Should convicted felons have access to social programs or is it justifiable that their former behavior makes them forfeit access? Do most young men aged 16-25 actually know much about social programs and have the ability to make good decisions about their future at their age?? Is withholding of services after incarceration an unfair continuation of punishment that traps certain groups in poverty or is it well-deserved?? Again, who decides this???